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locked joint中文是什么意思

用"locked joint"造句"locked joint"怎么读"locked joint" in a sentence


  • 关节交锁
  • 连锁接头


  • The relief valve cover shall be secured with stainless steel bolts and shall utilize a quarter - turn locking joint to capture the spring load of the relief valve
  • Firstly , by means of analyzing the previous literatures , it is indicated that locked joint failure as a simple and reliable mode is increasingly paid attention to by scholars home and overseas
  • On the basis of probing into the theory about kinematical optimization for redundant manipulators , the optimized index - - - - reduced manipulability is determined according to the kinematical property of redundant manipulators for locked joint failures
    在对冗余度机器人运动学优化基础理论探讨的基础上,结合发生锁定故障时冗余度机器人的运动特性,确定了冗余度机器人的优化性能指标? ?退化可操作度。
  • In this dissertation , fault tolerant planning of kinematical redundant manipulators for locked joint failures is discussed . the synchronous fault tolerant planning at failure moment and after failure moment for redundant manipulators is systemically investigated . besides , the preliminary research of fault tolerance for coordinating manipulators is done
用"locked joint"造句  
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